Artist Helal Shah
Helal Shah is an award-winning artist based in Bangladesh whose paintings have been exhibited nationally. His realistic works celebrate the contrasts of life in cities, their beauty, and sorrow, as well as portray the people who inhabit them. In his artistic process, Shah generally favors oils but sometimes employs acrylics and watercolors on canvas.
Born: 1997-07-24
Present address: Shahnewaz Hostel, Sir A.F. Rahman Hall, University of Dhaka.
Permanent address: District-Naogaon, Thana-Manda, Post-Kaligram, Village-Satta Mulluk, Bangladesh.
B.F.A- Faculty of Fine Art University of Dhaka in 2019.
M.F.A- Faculty of Fine Art University of Dhaka in 2023.
Mobile Number: +880 1785 385 332
E-mail: helalshah00@gmail.com
- “Media Best Award“, in Oil Painting, Annual Art Exhibition -2018, Department of Drawing and
Painting, Faculty of Fine Art, University of Dhaka - “Media Best Award“, in Oil Painting, Annual Art Exhibition -2019, Department of Drawing and
Painting, Faculty of Fine Art, University of Dhaka - “Shilpacharya Zainul Abedin Gold Medal” -2019 Faculty of Fine Art University of Dhaka.
- Berger Award for obtaining the Highest CGPA in the BFA Honors Program (2018-2019) from the
Department of drawing and painting Faculty of Fine Art University of Dhaka. - Berger student of the year award 2019 Faculty of Fine Art University of Dhaka.
Solo Exhibition
“Ankora solo exhibition 2020” in EMK Center.

Group Exhibition
- “Barwari Watercolor Exhibition 2018” Zainul Gallery, Faculty of Fine Art University of Dhaka.
- “Trinayan Art Exhibition 2020” Gallery Cosmos, Dhaka.
- “Bangabandhu Art Exhibition 2018,2019” Zainul Gallery, Dhaka.
- “Annual Art Exhibition 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019” Department of Drawing and Painting, Faculty of Fine Art, University of Dhaka
- “Chin Moitri Art Exhibition 2019” shilpakala Academy,Dhaka.
- “Illusion & Reality art exhibition 2023” Abinta Gallery.